Friday 18 April 2014

103: Through the intercessions of the Mother of God

There are moments in history where repeating to Mary “pray for us sinners” has a different weight. After 3 pm, when Jesus dies, we might think that we enter in a “waiting” state, and that Resurrection will happen anyway, so: no worries. Or we might think that it is all finished, let us rest now and wait for the early hours of Sunday.
While in fact events of apocalyptic dimensions will occur during these hours, that go from 3pm on Friday - Good Friday, the only Friday - till the early hours of Sunday, the Third Day, when God realises the last steps of Salvation, by making his Son rise from the dead.

I admire the deep shrewdness of John Paul II when he added a new set of mysteries to the Rosary (the Luminous ones). We shouldn't hesitate to enter in the mystery of his choice, and develop it more (without of course falling into extravagant things). I wouldn't have the slightest hesitation to suggest a set of mysteries just for these hours (from Friday 3pm to Sunday 4am). Mysteries that will go around the New Eve and the work that the Holy Spirit is realising in her and through her.

We need to be very united to her during these hours because this is the only Tunnel that will lead to the Light of the Resurrection. How many wise virgins are waiting with their oil and lamps for the Groom when He will rise? Only one: Mary.

We can contemplate her when she receives Jesus' body when they detach him from the Cross. Her Son is dead, full of wounds, she can finally touch him, and see even from closer what happened to his Holy Body.
We can feel her pain and contemplate how she forgives to everybody, starting with the highest act of forgiveness: the forgiveness to Judas. But as well to Peter. Not forgetting all the Jews who were against Jesus and didn't believe in him. Finally forgiving all of us who in a way or in another wounded her Son and Saviour.

We can contemplate her embracing the Lord's Body, covering His wounded Holy Body with kisses, love, gratitude for the Salvation he brought her and us. She is the first saved person and the mother of all the saved. We can, with her, perform the same acts.
We can contemplate her suffering during the burial, when they deposit the Lord's body in the coldness of the stones and earth. The total frightening silence. Jesus can't speak anymore. At this very moment when Jesus is deposited into the Earth, to the Tomb, Mary's faith in the Resurrection, her Hope, her embracing-of-the-Fire-of-the-Promise-of-Jesus ("I will rise the third day") here appear in all its power and nakedness.

We can contemplate her back home, alone, fighting against the lack of faith of all the persons who surround her, we can contemplate her fighting against Satan in person who comes to tempt her into not believing and waiting for the Groom. Wise Virgin she fights with all her being, moved by the Powerful intercessory action of the Holy Spirit in her. The Holy Spirit makes Her carry all of us in her womb. She is that big Sign in the book of the Revelation, that huge Sign, that Woman who is carrying in her whom all humanity, all Jesus' Body.
She believes for us, she hopes for us, she holds tight (to love) the Fire of Jesus' Promise (I will rise again).

"Through the intercessions of the Mother of God, O Saviour Save us." (Three times)
The Holy Spirit doesn't find any obstacle in Mary, because she is pure and is transformed in Him (Dante calls her : “Crowned Fire”), therefore all the Intercessorial power of the Holy Spirit is deployed in all its might. Saint Paul says that in our weakness we don't know how to pray, that the Holy Spirit in our spirit (or heart) prays and intercedes in us. Isn't that happening in a mysterious fullness in the New Eve? Let us join her, let us “enter in her womb/bosom”, like passing on an amazing bridge over the abyss. Through her, in her, like the Amazing Tunnel that leads to the Light of the Risen Groom.
The power of the Holy Spirit makes of her the real mother that carries of the children of Jesus, and brings them from the darkness to the Light.

So when we say: “Pray for us sinner, now and in the hour of our death” we are saying: outside of your womb we are in the darkness. We need to enter in you, so you can carry us to the Light: the power of the Lever of your Intercession is all based on the Action of the Holy Spirit in you, not finding any obstacle in you. The fulcrum on whom the leaver leans is the Corner Stone, the Saviour Himself, and the only Power of His Salvation. Amen.

Note: These tragic hours could be lived each week of our life: from Friday 3pm to the dawn of Sunday. That same Mystery of the Holy Saturday continues till the end of times.

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