Monday 3 December 2018

183- On the Importance of the Incarnation

The Incarnation is fundamental for our eternal survival.

If we are not inside the Father’s House, it is vital we return to it. Only the Son Incarnate, because He is altogether God and Man, can leave the Father’s House (so to speak) and come to seek us out and rescue us, carrying us in Him - and not only “on him” like the shepherd carrying a sheep - taking us back to the Father's House.

He is the Father's House.

Do we want to spend Eternity excluded from of the Father’s House, where there is darkness, fear and hatred?

Being part of the Father’s House is vital for each and every human being.

The Incarnation is the Father building His House for us: the Son Incarnate.

The Incarnation doesn’t end when the Lord is born of Mary. The Incarnation ends, or realises its mission, or raison d’ĂȘtre, on the Cross and in the Resurrection and Ascension. He reunites us in Him on the Cross. He causes us to us rise with Him. He introduces us in Him (he is the Father's House). He makes us to sit beside Him (so to speak) with the Father, and we shine like the sun (Matthew 13:43) and He serves us, in God’s Eternal Banquet.

"He Saves us” means He purifies us, enlightens us, unites us to Him, and enables us to contemplate Him with His own divine capacity and love Him also with the same divine capacity.

Without the Incarnation none of the above could happen.

He became one of us, so we can, by listening to his Saving Words, and entrusting ourselves to Him, become Divinised.

If we read the Song of Song of Solomon, we discover in hidden Words the enjoyment and delight we are called to have with the Son Incarnate.

According to St Luke, only "in Mary" we can discover the depths of the Love of God. This Ferociously powerful and tender Love for each one of us, so that that it made Him become like us (except for sin) and carry all our being and darkness, to the point that He appeared to have become sin. This He did so that He could get as close as possible to our free will, to offer us His Light and Love – “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me” (Rev 3:20).

It is from an extreme, incomprehensible powerful love that Incarnation has its explanation/origin. It is like an explosion of Love.

According to St Luke, only "in Mary" are we enabled to experience this Love in a lasting and secure way and grow in the experience of it.

The Incarnation allows us to have a share in God’s being, to experience His Being! Divine Humility. Divine Mercy. A mind-blowing overwhelming experience. Incarnation and its realisation (Passion-Death-Resurrection-Ascension) offer us the intimacy of God, like entering into the very bowels of His Merciful Being. The Incarnation continues till today since Jesus choosing to be in his fullness in his bride, continues to be among us, to preach, to give us his being, to transfigure us day after day. He is alive in Her and active through Her in the Holy Spirit. Incarnation continues to the very present time and will continue till the end of time.

Each one of us, having Christ in Him, being part of the Bride, continues and prolongs the Incarnation here in today’s world. If any person touches us physically, he or she is touching Jesus’ Body. This encompasses an even a greater Humility and Mercy from God. Our being is the prolongation of the Incarnation.

From us emanates the light and love of Jesus to the World.

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